Be nice to each other! Let's all meet together. I've got the dip.
You have dip but has anyone got their rolls sorted? I want ham, cheese and pickle...
We Hunters normally don't let other classes into our club but if the Titans bring the dip and warlocks got the chips, then we got the TUNES beebee
Yeah I don't understand why people need to try and feel superior because they picked X class... I tried all three out, ended up not particularly liking one, and loved another. I eventually deleted that character for a second of the class I liked the most. It's all subjective based on the user.
Hey, gang.
Personally i enjoy using all classes so unique and fun
Welcome to the all class meeting, how tough are ya?
Sorry hunters dont play nice with others... but ill make an exception, those warlock dresses make yo titties look nice. That will be all.
Damnit I was suppose to be first comment...What evs I brought Chips and bitches