Be nice to each other! Let's all meet together. I've got the dip.
titan: hey guys! ill teach you how to shoulder charge if you teach me blink! hunter: I'm good at it but idk how to teach...sry. warlock: okay I'll teach you, but you have to teach me shoulder charge first! titan: okay, okay I'll teach it first, well for starters you gotta pump some iron *lifts a fallen skiff* warlock: holy shit! okay lemme try! *skiff crushes warlock into mush* hunter: *sigh* titan: NOOO I'll save you!!! *fist of havocs the skiff into peices, and unintentionally disintegrates the remains of the warlock* hunter: dumbass *sighs* *warlock self rezes* titan: WOAH teach me how to do that!!
Currently, at the party: Hunter is bragging about his scout rifle. He say's it cannot be beat. A Titan comes over and beats the living shit out of his gun, and throws it out the window. Hunter laughs and pulls out new scout rifle. Titan takes that new gun and breaks it over the top of Titan's head. Hunter snickers and pulls out another scout rifle. Titan becomes enraged and slams the ground. Hunter jumps up in shock and throws his knife. Titan grabs it and breaks it in half. Hunter takes his scout rifle and aims it at Titan. Titan punches the ground and gains a defensive purple shield. Warlock then enters, and looks around in horror. Out of pure defensive reflex, Hunter shoots Warlock in the head. Warlock falls to the ground, but self-revives herself. Warlock throws grenades in frenzy, while Titan punches anything in his vicinity, as Hunter shoots anything he sees. As the chaos continues, a worthless Fallen Dreg walks in and watches. Then a Hive Acolyte stumbles in and stares. Next, a Vex Goblin happens to walk in the madness and watches. Thereafter, a Cabal Psion flies in and views the sight. Eventually, the fight dumbs down. Everyone stares at everyone, until Dreg pulls out a bottle of Evan William's 1979 Whiskey. Everyone passes the bottle around and they all get extremely drunk. The next day... "Hey, Titan! Check out my new scout rifle! It can't be beat"!
Titans have cool armor and Hunters have cool capes. Im a warlock
Warlocks don't slap, we stiff arm
Hunter- sneaks around eating all the snacks while making jokes about the Titan. Warlock- sits reading on a couch silently reading and watching hunter in a judgmental way Titan- throws a table at hunter and falls, sending warlocks books flying Hunter- jumps out window, snacks in hand Warlock- sighs and hovers out Titan- looks at the door but then shoulder charges through a wall Lord sweep bot- cleans up the mess with his mighty broom
Is it Taco Tuesday now?
Hey Titan if I can teach you how to throw a throwing knife, will you teach me how to shoulder charge?
Bramd - old
Best qualities of each class Titan: lift, bubbles, fist of havoc, punch Hunter: golden gun, throwing knife, blink Warlock: Nova bomb, radiant skin, glide -
I'll tell you this, if I can have all of my super engagements as epic as this, I would probably play Crucible even more.
Do not teach a titan to blink shoulder charge and blink together -blam!- that
Edited by Sir Mewtwo: 5/5/2015 12:19:01 PM*Activates golden gun* *shoots randomly at the air* *all 4 shots land on the cryptarch*
Jedi Punch not slapping, you son-of-bitch! #WMR
Where's the obnoxious edits? You needz em.
Im back guys my fish didnt drown, he was just sleeping upside down.
As a warlock, we should teach a Titan Blink... for the LoLz
Some of you recent Crota raiders need to eat some Hellmouth Breath Mints (copyright). Get it? No? Ok...
"Yeah yeah yeah....I'm here. I was crouching and didn't realize I went invisible. " - Hunter Meanwhile by the coffee and donuts, a female warlock is trying to calm down a Titan after someone ate the last chocolate donut: "Hey big guy, sun's gettin real low.." Titan proceeds with tantrum and flips table.
Warlocks, I'll teach you how go invisible if you teach me self res.
Someone hashtagged fisting? Titan checking in to fist phuk people. :D
I brought dirty vids from the reef hur hur hur
Or maybe striker and defender?
*Flies far above the lounge in Slipper Misfit and jumps while over the balcony and lands on the balcony stunning everyone.* What? The docking bay was full. Anyways i brought some walking tacos, ghost. *ghost materializes walking taco buffet table* Anyone?
Let's get together and make crystal candy !!! It makes us go crazy!
Hey guys. I brought pixie sticks!
Can someone teach me how to brutally punch some shit? I'll teach you how to invis :(
Edited by Jeremy_The_One: 5/5/2015 3:49:02 PM*Drags in the purple gravball* I wonder what happens if I throw it in a small room? Will It bounce forever? Ah -blam!- it lets find out. *throws the ball*