originally posted in:Otiskin
Let's each share 1 lesson we've learned from experience so that our fellow floodians won't have to make the same mistakes.
#1 Don't eat yellow snow.
Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. - Bruce Lee
Never be afraid of a challenge.
Don't talk to other people. They're stupid, they won't understand.
Marriage is a full time job.
Rule #1: 90% of the worlds populations won't care about your opinion. Deal with it.
Never trust bit ches
You don't deserve anything, you have to earn what you want
[b][u]Life Lesson #1[/u][/b] [i]The majority of the time, your gut feeling is right.[/i]
Edited by Deleted: 7/20/2015 8:10:14 PMTrust no one. [spoiler]*glub*[/spoiler]
Edited by Deleted User: 8/12/2015 10:58:03 PM[i]"Stealing emblems makes kids butthurt."[/i] Pretty nice lesson
You can tell a lot about a person by what they say about other's rather then what other's say about them ;)
Become a person of value rather than a person of success.
Never associate with people who desire no positive change in their own lives or the lives of others.
Life sucks, it will most likely always suck, and you're most likely going to work a dead end job and die. It's best to just accept it as the case.
Number to spam text guardians! Go ham! (801) 647-7060
Always expect the worse
Watch out
Never ask if it can get worse It [b][i][u]ALWAYS[/u][/i][/b] can
Don't ask about the taste of Cheerios
Give a man a fire and warm him for one day. Set a man on fire and warm him for the rest of his life. [spoiler]Just kidding. Don't do drugs.[/spoiler]
Edited by LadiesMan217164: 7/28/2015 10:26:59 AMThere was an important job to be done and Everyone was sure that Someone would do it. Anyone could have done it, but No-one did it. Someone got angry about that because he thought that it was Everyone’s job. Everyone thought that Anyone could do it, but No-one realised that Everyone wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everyone was angry with Someone because No-one did what Anyone could have done! It’s a story about four people named Everyone, Someone, Anyone and No-one. Does Everyone, Someone, Anyone and No-one work where you are?
Running and screaming is [i]always [/i]a valid option and, occasionally, the only appropriate response.
Don't stick your dick in crazy. Crazy women are the [b]BEST[/b] in bed by far. But everything else is a -blam!-ing train wreck. Great sex isn't worth ruining your life.[spoiler]but man it's good...[/spoiler]
Monster Hunter - old
Don't delete your supremacy -
Never get attached to a lesbian because they break hearts.
Don't stick your dick in what you don't know #downwithgloryholes