originally posted in:Otiskin
Let's each share 1 lesson we've learned from experience so that our fellow floodians won't have to make the same mistakes.
#1 Don't eat yellow snow.
Don't cook bacon shirtless.
You can only be so smart, but you can be infinitely stupid.
I will not fap into the ice cream Wear a condom Kids can go a minute while forced under water before dying, It's easy to escape from Finland to sweden
A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying.
Lizards can't be politicians.
Do not eat the free samples of a strange purple fruit while browsing an open air market in a southeast asian country. Also if you get worms, get treatment.
The world is screwed up, so I don't value its opinion.
Never I repeat never buy the seasons pass for call of duty.
ITT tech is a shame, go to community college.
Don't judge people just because you don't understand them.
Trust no one
Never buy a dlc on the blind ( like I did with HOW'S)
"Don't pee in the school water fountain".
"I have leaned that people will forget what you've said and what you've did... but they will never forget how you made them feel."
Cereal: One bowl a day keeps the projectile vomit away.
When a girl dumps you remember, your right hand never leaves u
Asking someone out is not as hard as it seems.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism.
There is a major difference between ignorance and stupidity.
Always pull out...
1) if you want want something to be done do it yourself and don't rely on others to do it. 2) trust no one.
Be nice to the people handling your food
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Always have spare toilet paper with you when you're in school.
If you yell whore around a lot of women and they look at you then you'll know which ones put out. It makes it a lot easier to get laid it lowers the number of women you have to talk to. True story...