Thorn is powerful in the right hands agreed.
But isn't it one of the cases that it should be? For each "thorn is OP" post, there's always a "thorn is too hard to get, I can't do all these void kills".
Isn't mytho an gjally the same? For each person that complains the gun is too powerful, there's another person posting that they deserve one for X reason.
Powerful exotics are powerful. Get a thorn and shoot back.
Get a thorn and shoot back I like that lol.
I shouldn't have to lower myself to their level.
If using an "exotic" is lowering yourself, then find a purple or a blue that counters thorn, and play the meta.
I already do. I have a coiled hiss with a perfect roll.
Then through sheer force of will and skill you should be owning with it until people complain it's OP because even with thorn they are loosing to your Hiss.