>Be me
>Average joe in crucible
>Fed up with warlock and Hunter blink shotgun combos
>If you can't beat em, join em.
>Switches to blade dancer
>Bladancer activated
>Encore on.
>The map is asylum
>They all spawn by C.
>Rips through 5 enemies there
>Two more spawn in the exact same spot
>Butt rаpes two remaining scrubs with arc blade.
>Blade dancer wears off
>A shit load of awards pop up in the top of my screen.
>Finally knows the feeling MLGs get all the time
>Depressed that it'll never happen again
All the time man. I know your feels.
[quote]Butt rаpes two remaining scrubs with arc blade.[/quote] The only scrub is you bud......don't call someone a scrub if you use a OP super and just spam RT/R1 thinking you are good. That is all :)
What is self res? What is FoH?
Calmmmmm down
Edited by Stanman lvl7: 5/5/2015 2:10:40 AM1. Did you not notice how I said I only used because I was fed up with getting it. 2. I was mostly joking when I typed that 3. Never said it made me good at all. 4. While it is the easiest to use its not OP in any way.
Encore as in eminen?
This made my day