The cycle of butt-hurt
1. Get owned by a certain gun/tactic/ability in crucible
2. Makes a rage thread about it, insulting people who use the particular gun/tactic/ability, and hoping to find people who share their outrage
3. Starts getting flamed
4. Makes some defensive edits, sometimes they'll claim to be collecting tears (trying to make it look like they're the one with the upper hand)
5. Declares that they don't actually die to the gun/tactic/ability very often and they don't have a problem countering it (which would suggest that the thread is more about how it's overpowered for other people and they're just angry on other players behalf, or raging at the gun/tactic/ability on purely academic grounds).
I've been on these forums since Halo 2 and it's amazing how often the above steps play out.
*sigh* ok I understand you were finished arguing. Sorry. but honestly, I was reading your conversation,and you really need to stop acting so superior to everyone else on the internet. I can tell you think you're smarter than everyone else, using big words and making sure you have no errors. I admit I didn't realize you were done, but I just have to say this: you come off as being quite arrogant. I'm not trying to insult you or anything I just want to tell you to try being a little nicer. These forums are supposed to be happy right? Why can't we all just get along?
[quote]Can you take a hint at all? everyone else here already knows you lost this argument ages ago. Just stop trying.[/quote] That was the first thing you said, but you're gonna tell me to be a little nicer? You entered the argument, asked a rhetorical question, and told me to stop. I'm sorry pot. And if you looked through my comments you would notice I have plenty of grammatical errors, ones that I simply don't care enough about to fix or make sure they are right. But why is it a problem to not have errors? Is it suddenly bad to speak properly?
OK I guess I didn't make myself clear, I was wrong to post that comment. so sorry. guess I should listen to my own advice more huh? also I never said it was wrong to use grammar correctly. Maybe you're not super arrogant, but that's just the impression I got. The problem with the internet is that people (myself included) don't think before they say things, so everyone just comes off as self centered and mean. I wish everybody could just be supportive and nice. It gets a little annoying coning on to these forums just to get into petty arguments and never have a real discussion.
I think you were right the first time ;)
[quote]OK I guess I didn't make myself clear, I was wrong to post that comment. so sorry. guess I should listen to my own advice more huh? also I never said it was wrong to use grammar correctly. Maybe you're not super arrogant, but that's just the impression I got. The problem with the internet is that people (myself included) don't think before they say things, so everyone just comes off as self centered and mean. I wish everybody could just be supportive and nice. It gets a little annoying coning on to these forums just to get into petty arguments and never have a real discussion.[/quote] Im gonna be completely honest, and this might rub you the wrong way, but if you get into petty arguments all the time on the forums you need to change your attitude. I almost never get into petty arguments, you just happened to come upon the exception. It was an argument, Im gonna sound arrogant the way I defend my argument. But if you happen upon these all the time(or are in them all the time) you are probably the problem. Im not trying to be rude(but im sure it will sound that way)
Bro........any argument on a video game is a petty argument lol. Says a lot about someone's social life when they try to talk all "etiquette" on a video game forum.
Dude, you literally came onto a dead comment thread, stop
I didn't mean I'm constantly trying to argue with people, but sometimes you jut get sucked in, you know? I usually try to leave arguments most of the time because it's not worth my time waiting for someone to reply with something meaningless just so I can come up with something equally meaningless. In general though, the only true long conversations on these forums are just petty arguments which some people love to involve themselves in.
Edited by to12143: 5/5/2015 11:04:29 PMYeah i understand, it has happened to everyone, i just tend to stay away from them to begin with, unless someone else starts it on my post(see above). Edit: I should clarify that last statement, i didnt mean to cause an argument, i just wanted to make a joke and some people took it a bit too serious, there was no intent to start an argument
lol that's happened to me so many times. Satire is an unappreciated game.
You cant even make a satire a satire post without people having a fit about how it either isnt satire, people overuse the satire tag, or people having fits just to have fits
lol exactly.
And then you cant even make a post without a satire tag that sounds a little bit like a joke. People just think a joke is automatically satire
Let me explain bungie forums still have bungie accounts
Don't know what you're talking about, never said they didn't
Never Go Full Retard
Only idiots say full retard
[quote]You say youve been on the destiny forums since halo 2, which im not sure is possible considering destiny wasnt even a thought at that point[/quote] The Bungie forums have been around long before Destiny.
Alright, you forgot the one where the op mutes and destroys your comment because it has nothing to do with my topic, didn't you?
[quote]Alright, you forgot the one where the op mutes and destroys your comment because it has nothing to do with my topic, didn't you?[/quote] You're such an angry person aren't you? *this is the part where you pretend you're actually not mad at all, go ahead*