Alternatively they could bring some other exotics in line with thorn.
[quote]Alternatively they could bring some other exotics in line with thorn.[/quote] You mean change everything to meet a single outlier? That's like turning the wood to put a screw in.
Thorn is what an exotic should be. Just like thorn, red death, vex, Hawkmoon etc. The other exotics that just don't match up.
[quote]Thorn is what an exotic should be. Just like thorn, red death, vex, Hawkmoon etc. The other exotics that just don't match up.[/quote] I don't really have any problems with any of them, except the Thorn. Those other weapons are strong exotics but they are not OP in my opinion. If you read my initial critique, there are pretty much none of my points that apply to those other weapons. The meta game of the Thorn is hugely advantageous to the Thorn user.
You're points apply to thorn only, but others could be made for each of the guns listed.