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Edited by Archangel: 9/13/2015 11:43:37 AM

Echoes Chapter 3 (Part II): The Infiltration

[i]"What we found in Ragnarok changed us, haunted us. We didn't expect it, and that's what got to me the most. It was impossible, improbable, and just down right horrifying. was only a small piece of what was to come.."[/i] Archangel and Elysia stood back as William began to cut through the steel panel. Sera was right about the tunnel network behind the rock. Minutes after they began to clear it out, they discovered the metal wall a few meters behind the cave's end. Elysia had suggested using explosives to create an entrance, but William spoke up to disagree. "If the Hive are still around, we'll alert every one of them within the compound. Let me take a crack at this." William had said. Now, the titan was using his striker ability, concentrating the arc energy into turning his arms into monstrous arc blades, and using this to melt through the plating with ease. He was done in just under two minutes. "Well done." Archangel said as the three-by-eight piece of the metal wall fell inward, leaving a doorway with a warm, glowing silhouette. He walked past William and stepped inside with his hand cannon drawn. He disappeared for a couple of seconds, then called back, "Alright, it's clear." Elysia came first, then William followed closely. Inside the outpost it was pitch black. They activated their helmets' night vision, which allowed them to observe their surroundings. They were standing in a corridor and, based on where they cut through, it must have been the edge of the tunnel network. "Power's out, obviously. Nothing moving on radar, and scans aren't picking up anything. Place must be abandoned." Elysia told them as she walked down the hallway. They checked each room they passed, but it always gave the same result. No blood, no bodies, no signs of a fight. The place truly did seem abandoned as she had concluded. "Scans won't do us any good, these tunnels may be blocking them. We have to get higher." Archangel replied as he started towards the end of the hallway. As he suspected, he found the stairwell. "None going any lower, we must be at the bottom floor. Alright let's start climbing, and stay quiet." Archangel lead them up the stairs and onto the top floor.Each stairwell hatch they passed had been welded shut, except for this one. They opened the hatch and entered the hallway quickly and quietly. Except this floor wasn't so quiet and, in fact, it was filled with screams. The group crept through the hallway, drawing closer to the painful cries with each step. As they came near to the sound's origin, Archangel noticed that the screams didn't sound human. That's when he noticed the objects scattered about the floor of the hall. As he inspected one, he found that it was an exo's arm. There were bits and pieces to exos all over the place, all leading to the room in the far end of the corridor. The room where the mechanical screams were coming from. [url=]Chapter 3 (Part I): The Search[/url] [url=]Chapter 3 (Part III): Revelations[/url]

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