[url=http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/why-atheists-make-85-percent-americas-scientists-and-07-percent-its-prison]Within the United States Federal Prison system, 0.07% of inmates are Atheist[/url]
The reason I am posting this is because of the stereotype [u]Atheist have no morals because there is no God to hold them accountable for their actions.[/u]
If the stereotype was true, that number should be much higher than 0.07%.
My main point with this, i[b]t doesn't matter what your belief system is because belief systems don't necessarily correlate with morals.[/b] This isn't a knock against theist just trying to shed some light on really negative assumptions.
Sidenote: I see some Christians/Catholics saying that prisoners aren't real Theist. To those that have this view i ask you:[spoiler]1) Who are you to decide what a good Christian/Catholic/etc is? Isn't God the only one who would know and your just giving your opinion?
2) Aren't all sins equal, from white lies to genocide? [u](In context of religion not law[/u]) So if all sins are equal doesn't that make them just as real as you?[/spoiler]
All this proves is that athiests don't get caught.