Alright another thorn nerf post great stuff!!
Simple tactics can easily out gun thorn, you're saying 80% of the time you out gun it then what's the problem? These are hand cannons, not hand pistols suros got hit already now it's a pea shooter you want more useless weapons?
Having them nerf more weapons won't fix pvp it will make it worse what's so hard to understand about that. Once you nerf one weapon other weapons will reign supreme, give autos a buff and the problem is solved.
I haven't used thorn in iron banner but this next time I will I'm accurate beyond belief with hand cannons and can't wait to put the butt hurt on people who decide running out from cover and running around is a better strategy then using simple strategy and common sense.
If you can't out gun a weapon it doesn't mean it's the weapon you're going against it has to do with how you play or what you aren't doing to stay alive. If I know someone is coming up with the thorn I won't stand toe to toe that's stupid cause I know I'm gonna die if they are accurate and if I don't play smart. This is a strategy based pvp not a run and gun stlye shooter like cod is.
No more nerfs.