I have way bigger K/D and obviously I play way more crucible than you and here is my opinion:
I don't care if it gets nerfed or not. I highly believe that its true skill that puts you above someone else. Most less skilled players complain about things that they get killed by. When TLW was for sale everyone complained, same was with red death. If you're targeting a specific gun, you're getting killed allot by it. Use your surroundings for cover and out play your opponent. Learn to be skilled and play the game. There are other guns that are OP and yet you don't point them out. I suggest to play smarter.
i agree with this guy
^ I agree with this guy too
My skills have nothing to do with weapon stats? Duh?
If you had better skills, you wouldn't be b!tching about a specific weapon. Just pointing things out. True skilled players will not complain about a single gun. They'll find a way to beat it and evolve their skills. You're welcome.
Wow... Ignorant much...
Ignorant?? Only because you don't like me telling you the truth does not make me ignorant. Vise versa, if you can't accept your mistake and be a grown up, you have just become an ignorant moron. Congratulations. I give you truth and tips and you ignore them. Who's the ignorant one here....
[quote]I have way bigger K/D and obviously I play way more crucible than you and here is my opinion: I don't care if it gets nerfed or not. I highly believe that its true skill that puts you above someone else. Most less skilled players complain about things that they get killed by. When TLW was for sale everyone complained, same was with red death. If you're targeting a specific gun, you're getting killed allot by it. Use your surroundings for cover and out play your opponent. Learn to be skilled and play the game. There are other guns that are OP and yet you don't point them out. I suggest to play smarter.[/quote]