Great kills, but I couldn't watch the entire thing as the music started to get really annoying - would have just preferred the game sounds.
I made another montage with your feedback in mind. What do you think?
The slower song with the death and destruction is an interesting mix. Again, not my taste in music but I like what you did. Personally I think songs that rise and fall that give you some edit points like hard hits / drops / instrument / beat transitions to edit too are best for montages, and personally I prefer songs without lyrics so you concentrate on the gameplay. But its nice stuff! As per your last video, your PvP play is great! Like I said before you cant make everyone happy especially since music is such a personal thing. Keep up the good work! Practice makes perfect!
Thanks so much for the feedback!
Thanks man, Sorry that the music wasn't too your liking, but ya can't please them all haha. I just used the music I did because It's the music I like, and I want my montage to be someting that I'd enjoy. You could always just watch on mute though :P, It's normally what I do when montages have music I'm not a fan of.
Edited by Pixel Crisis: 5/5/2015 9:05:25 PMIndeed, use what ya like because you can't make everyone happy. But I do like to hear the various SFX from the match, so muting wasn't an option. Again, good kills though man! :)
I was honestly considering uploading another version with no music, but this one took 8 hours to upload on my potato Australian internet haha