Awww... Did that hurt your feelings??? Such a mature comment you made.
Such a mature comment for a PROFESSOR.
A five year old talking about maturity. Now I've seen everything.
Wow! Lol You still haven't told me!
Told you what? Damn, you are a five year old.
Physco nerd~~They're not "right there". They're incredibly far away. By looking at stars you're observing something that happened a very long time ago. Similarly, we can observe evolution based on surviving evidence. Fossils and such. GreasyTech03422~~ Show me PhyscoNerd~~~You don't have the logic to understand. GreasyTech~~So I'm guessing you don't have the knowledge to tell me. Hm. So sad. Phsyco Nerd~~~It's clear you aren't looking for an intelligent discussion
No, you said [quote]Theres fossils in the sky?!?? Herp derp[/quote]
So... Since I'm five, even though I'm a professor at a University, would you mind showing what you spoke of Mr Smart Alec?
What university? What are you a professor in?
Probably community college, women's studies. Just a guess idk
Then again, he once said he was a fitness instructor or something like that. I think he's a liar based upon his behavior.
Well, the only thing I've got to say is that you don't need a P.H.D to be a moron.
Yeah... I'm five. Sure.