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Edited by Jack: 5/6/2015 2:29:05 AM
First of all, I really like how respectful and open-minded you are. I really respect that and would like to have a good conversation about what you just said. I fully respect your beliefs, and would like to explain mine in greater detail. [quote]So do I believe that we came from monkeys and stuff like that? No because how come as the Worlds temperature has worsened or things have gotten worse have we stopped evolving physically??[/quote] I'll start with what you said here. No scientist says humans evolved from monkeys. So you disagreeing with that statement means you do agree with what the biologists are saying. I don't believe we came from monkeys either, The Theory of Evolution doesn't say we did so that's not a problem. Things don't "stop evolving", things adapt when their is a need too, natural selection takes care of that aswell. People don't need to adapt right now. This is because we don't live in the environment anymore. We live in houses, we have vaccines that save the lives of billions. [quote]The world was Pangea and then the earth was flooded by God and so everything spilt up. That's obviously true and there's fossils in mountains of animals that shouldn't be there. But mountains have formed, animals have changed, but not to the extent that some scientists, and atheists, and [u][b]scientologists[/b][/u] say. They aren't wrong but it isn't as huge of a change. [/quote] The problem with this world-wide flood, at least as it is described in the bible, is there simply is not enough water to cover the entire planet above the tallest mountains. Water would need to be added by the thousands. Doing this, would have a huge effect on gravity and would raise any life still existing up to where the atmosphere is much thinner. At that height, animals couldn't breath for more than a couple minutes. I haven't come across any credible evidence of a world wide flood, neither has any geologist. Let alone one that happened a meer 4000-5000 years ago. The last thing I want to address is that you mentioned scientologists. I don't know if you are aware of what a scientologist is but they are by no means a scientist. Not even close. I'll just say it again, I fully respect your viewpoint and look forward to your response.

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  • Yea lol, scientologist just threw me for a loop, the rest I had heard a million times before, but scientologist threw me off

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  • Appreciate the response and completely see what your saying. I meant jones scientologists bc if I've heard it correctly it's people whose belief system is science and the facts behind it which I respect. You like knowing the truth and so do I. I mentioned the monkey thing bc people say we evolved from apes I meant to say apes. At least that's what people said maybe it's been disproven idk. But the flood as strange and hard to believe it makes sense. I remember as a kid thinking that South America and Africa looked like a puzzle piece to me lol but it explains the fish bones and things in places where water has never been. It's very obvious water can be somewhere for a long time and then go away or vice versa. Like the Sahara desert. Maybe not right away but over time. That flood was a several year/decade long period. In the bible Noah's kids were young when they got onto the ark and were much older when they got off. Of course completely my point of view feel free to let me know what else you think

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  • Edited by Jack: 5/6/2015 2:45:20 AM
    In the Grand Canyon, there are layers upon layers of fossils. You don't see any of these fossil layers overlapping or mixing together. They are very distinct. If there was a great flood, you would expect these animals to swim up, towards the surface. But you don't see that, you see that they are settled very specifically. Pangea is a very well supported idea. I don't doubt Pangea at all. Those fossils could just be the remains from millions of years ago, before those mountains gained height due to plate tectonics. They could have been underwater and fish died there before the mountains rose. The collision with Asia and India, which sparked the Himalayas is known to have happened only 55 million years ago, sea life was abundant at that time period.

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  • Lots of things in the world are just kinda odd lol. I feel like I didn't explain the whole blank slate idea to well in my original comment. I think of the world as a blank slate. I know that the way the world looked when God created it, and now are 2 totally different things. I cannot deny plate tectonics, weathering, and erosion, and mountain forming and things of the like. So the world has changed. Whether it's continental drift, or a mountain slowly getting worn down the world is different. The how is clear, but as for why things are where they are isn't.

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  • Edited by Jack: 5/6/2015 2:57:31 AM
    Just doing some research and found this :The marine fossils in question have been found deep INSIDE layers of rock in the mountaintops, not "on" them. This clearly suggests that they were laid down and buried deep before the mountains themselves were raised and formed and NOT deposited there by floodwaters as the argument implies. I agree with what you say about the how being clear. It's the why that is not. However, to me it isn't far fetched that there isn't a cosmic purpose for life, but just the byproduct of natural processes. Consider this, we know life needs four elements. Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. All elements come from the left overs of dead and "living" stars. There are roughly 70 Billion Trillion stars in the universe, a lot of them just like our sun, and almost all of them have planets orbiting them. The probability of life elsewhere in the universe in rather high. Just because life doesn't need a why, doesn't make it any less valuable. In the same way that a child who was an "accident" isn't any less loved by their parents.

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  • Edited by Halolover009: 5/6/2015 3:03:23 AM
    [url=][/url] I recommend watching this, really puts into perspective how huge the universe is compared to us. He is a Christian speaker but you'll appreciate how he words i think

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  • That was definitely an interesting video. I had one problem with one of the first things he said. A very minor thing just something I noticed. He talked about how on the first day, God made the light. Then he goes to talk about how the light is from the sun and the stars. The only problem is that the Bible says the stars were made on day four, not day one. Just something I noticed. I really like the video though. I knew about Canis Majoris before, I read somewhere that if it were placed in the same location as The Sun, It's diameter would reach out towards Saturn. That's incredible. By now, we have found even larger stars like UV Scuti. It's truly amazing.

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  • I see what your saying and okay thanks for looking that up, I've heard of fossils actually on mountains where they shouldn't be in articles before but can't find them it was awhile ago. I really don't have any thoughts on life somewhere else but I'm aware of how huge the universe is and I can't remember who said it but the quote was "we're either alone in the universe, or we aren't. Both are equally terrifying." If I'm right about God it's kinda scary to know we're not alone, if I'm wrong however it's scary to be alone in such a huge universe. I'm gonna try and find a video i think you'd enjoy to watch

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  • The universe really is scary in terms of how large it is, I look forward to that video. I have a couple videos you might wanna consider seeing. I don't think they would make you reconsider your beliefs, that's not my goal by any means. But they show an interesting perspective in my opinion.

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  • I'd be willing to watch, always open to hear people's views. Your one of the few who are respectful about someone's views, and it won't change my views as I believe in them strongly but don't have a problem with watching some.

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  • Awesome, I feel the same way. Thanks, the same goes to you. I have to videos both voiced by Carl Sagan, I thought they were very interesting and inspiring.

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  • Those were really good/informative videos and neither seemed to be trying and say that either side was right or that there was a side at least not for the pale blue dot one. Appreciate those links hope you enjoy the one I posted

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