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5/6/2015 2:34:17 AM
Appreciate the response and completely see what your saying. I meant jones scientologists bc if I've heard it correctly it's people whose belief system is science and the facts behind it which I respect. You like knowing the truth and so do I. I mentioned the monkey thing bc people say we evolved from apes I meant to say apes. At least that's what people said maybe it's been disproven idk. But the flood as strange and hard to believe it makes sense. I remember as a kid thinking that South America and Africa looked like a puzzle piece to me lol but it explains the fish bones and things in places where water has never been. It's very obvious water can be somewhere for a long time and then go away or vice versa. Like the Sahara desert. Maybe not right away but over time. That flood was a several year/decade long period. In the bible Noah's kids were young when they got onto the ark and were much older when they got off. Of course completely my point of view feel free to let me know what else you think

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