What do you think is coming Friday?!?! Sound off!
Edit: First holy balls that's a huge response! Second, who knows if it will be big or small. Either way, I'm completely stoked on HoW!
Edit: I don't think it's just Thunderlord, however, beyond stoked to finally wield that baby!
Edit: sooo the video was rad! So there's multiple sidearms! Meaning sidearms are a new weapon type? Whatcha guys think?!
PVP will be balanced. Now THAT'S a surprise I can get behind, otherwise better drops.
They'll confirm half life 3
They said totally new activity that they haven't released info on yet
Anticipated access to the trial of osiris
maybe a funny Trailer like TDB with DrCrispy93.. would be awesome!! :D or maybe exotics reveal?!
It says at the end of the stream "Stay tuned for house of wolves preview video Friday may 8th"
Hank the Giant Shank is a now replacing the sparrow as a vehicle
A raid, they were lying all along.
Fate of all fools
Weapon skins! Plz bng
Xur sells Gjallahorn, lol!
Queens bounty returns
Either new subclasses, storyline reveal, exotic reveals, or something to do with xur.
Prob deez nuts
Xur was erased by a gorgon
Naked picture of the queen picking her fart box. That would be nice surprise
All the purple balls are Traveler eggs.
Maybe a weapon tuning patch.
Surprise: HoW is really coming out Q1 2016!
Please 3rd subclass
Its the trailer and a season pass package like that disgusting tumbler sparrow from the dark below package
Hopefully the rest of the game they promised.
They are selling Gjallarhorn.
Im gonna feel bad for people doing this. There was no mention of a BIG surprise, just a surprise, if even that. They haven't even come out and said its a surprise, just a date with "stay tuned". Not quite sure, but that doesn't automatically translate into "new content/information", or even big information at that. Don't hype up what we don't know about yet, or else the possibility of extreme disappointment becomes incredibly high. Can't wait for the "Where's our surprise Bungie! You promised us a surprise!" posts on Friday/Saturday. Not saying there WONT be a big surprise Friday, but people are starting to expect more than what is reasonable and that is what leads to a lot of the hate posts. Just tread with caution and lower the bar.