What do you think is coming Friday?!?! Sound off!
Edit: First holy balls that's a huge response! Second, who knows if it will be big or small. Either way, I'm completely stoked on HoW!
Edit: I don't think it's just Thunderlord, however, beyond stoked to finally wield that baby!
Edit: sooo the video was rad! So there's multiple sidearms! Meaning sidearms are a new weapon type? Whatcha guys think?!
Xur will sell the best weapon ever!!!! [spoiler]no land beyond! Oh yeah baby![/spoiler]
Xur selling jellyhorn
Idk but ima leave this here xD
My 1 millionth doller! What do I win? NOTHING! NOW GET OUT, ALL OF YOU!
The queen will do a strip tease...and then a fallen will do a strip tease O_O Actually, I think it will just be a trailer for the DLC, I think they said at the end of today's stream that we would get a trailer Friday.
Ikora Ray is doing a striptease in the bar by the juke box Deej told me......honestly he did the perv
Broman drops a grunge album
Jelly hoooooorn!
gonna sell the thunderlord
It's tits
Patch 1.2.0
The strike...
Purple ball with be nerfed
Crota's baby mama will destroy the tower
The story we have eagerly been waiting for.
this still on this video might have some more info. otherwise, it might be a official cut of the HoW trailer..there is only a 'teaser' after all.
It is a preview video for house of wolves that is coming out may 8th, but they will also sell [spoiler]a gun not named gjallarhorn[/spoiler]
What is all this about a big surprise? Link please.
Thunderlord being sold.
3rd subclasses...... I wish
I think the suprise will be a suprise postmaster package. Maybe an etharic light as a head start to HoW
It's going to be xur based, maybe how exotics added a week b4... Gives the players a little taste of what's to come. Ghorn is a long shot no other weapons would need a tease...
THE REAL ANSWER IS... [spoiler][b][i][u]VOG MODES MOVING TO LEVEL 30/33 and AWARDS THE NEW EXOTICS[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
Once again I will say look on house of wolves website it's the new strike
I like the idea of PoE. They need to create more gotta have weapons like fatebringer. None of the Crota weapons, especially necro, is a gotta have weapon. They're just cool to have and use sometimes.
Weapon changes. Including.... Buff to auto rifles! Necrochasm actually becoming useful, and maybe the release of the PS exclusive items to Xbox.