What do you think is coming Friday?!?! Sound off!
Edit: First holy balls that's a huge response! Second, who knows if it will be big or small. Either way, I'm completely stoked on HoW!
Edit: I don't think it's just Thunderlord, however, beyond stoked to finally wield that baby!
Edit: sooo the video was rad! So there's multiple sidearms! Meaning sidearms are a new weapon type? Whatcha guys think?!
Weapon changes. Including.... Buff to auto rifles! Necrochasm actually becoming useful, and maybe the release of the PS exclusive items to Xbox.
SW E11 Blaster
Edited by Marathon: 5/7/2015 2:55:50 AMThe announcement of "The Taken King" DLC and price. Should be called: The Taken Wallet... Or even better: The Taken story.
SW E11 Blaster :)
It clearly said at the end of the stream it was a Prison of Elders video. Unless there there was some other announcement I missed...
After the stream there was a message saying the how preview video is out on the 8th. Guess its that.
Xur is going to be selling ghallarhorn... But [spoiler]he is going to be on the reef this week ;)[/spoiler]
Deez nutz
if it's a gjallahorn, finally no one is gonna be running with valedictorian
The Speaker is coming out of the closet
Weapon skins.
Emblems, and a side of shaders. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/119822982/0/0/1
Deej nutz
Darth Vader fathered all of us.
It's the freaking house of wolves preview
Deej may be announcing his retirement from community manager, because Bungie hired this guy instead: http://youtu.be/Ylp583mJa2Q
They said at the end of the stream, it's just a new trailer for HoW.
Another trailer.
There's a surprise when?
We get a new tumbler sparrow, if we preorded HoW/season pass.
Upgraded 34 VoG
At the end of the PoE reveal, it said to stay tuned for this Friday when the HoW preview video is released.
Deej commits Seppuku for bringing dishonor to us all.
Xur shows up...in the reef.