What do you think is coming Friday?!?! Sound off!
Edit: First holy balls that's a huge response! Second, who knows if it will be big or small. Either way, I'm completely stoked on HoW!
Edit: I don't think it's just Thunderlord, however, beyond stoked to finally wield that baby!
Edit: sooo the video was rad! So there's multiple sidearms! Meaning sidearms are a new weapon type? Whatcha guys think?!
It's just going to be a preview video right?
Edited by az350z: 5/6/2015 9:07:25 PMProbably just the preview video. They never said there was some big, crazy surprise reveal coming. That's just what the community turned it into.
Bungie is going to announce they are filing bankruptcy and that all of the reveals were just a lengthy April Fools joke!! They will close the servers down minutes after. All while laughing maniacally via Twitch!!
Announcing beards and Deejs suit as a shader, also something about a strike maybe PS temporarily exclusive stuff
Pretty sure it said at the end of the stream that it's just a HoW preview video. Hopefully I'm wrong!
They gave a sparrow to the people who bought TDB. Perhaps is something in that field.
its just a reveal video for HoW. Watch the very last 2 minutes of the stream from today, its mentioned (briefly) at the end
Edited by MakeshiftBandit: 5/6/2015 8:57:36 PMBeards. They're gonna give us mother -blam!-ing facial hair!!! :D Or, ya know, something to do with the HoW story...
If you have something to say about broman Leave it's already been said P.S you are being 10X more annoying than him. The
Most likely a trailer for HoW
im guessing a teaser of the story line and missions and new gear
No surprise. Just the official House of Wolves trailer/intro I would imagine.
I'm confused... Who said something is coming this Friday?
Think at the end of the stream they put up a splash screen that said something about: "may 8th on bungie.net a HoW preview trailer." Hopefully that's not the extent of this BIG Surprise!
Gun skins. Wishful thinking
Maybe higher level versions of VoG and CE.
i was watching the stream with no sound. what did they say about it?
a new stream with some reveals of PoE without broman
Actually showing the end of prison of elders
a raid
It was written at the end of the stream. A vídeo reveal.
Edited by VoodooN88: 5/6/2015 8:26:18 PMGjallerhorns gone wild!!! NPC guardians will be posted at the tower firing their ghorns in the air in salute to the death of the forums, as xur brings the ghorn to the tower. Those with enough coin can even get them mounted on their fav ship and sparrow. The darkness will feel the power of Norse mythology on the 8th.
level 32 VOG
Fallen from how showing up on patrol to replace blades of crota
Xur's next gjallarhorn in stock