Just out of pure curiosity I thought to ask which of these titles you were most anxious for. These are the three titles currently on my pre-order list at Gamestop. Feel free to take part! Also go ahead and tell me why you are looking forward to the title of your choice.
Fallout and Halo 5
None fallout 4 I would choose.
None off the above
I think Battlefront is going to be a big flop, just Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. So I have to go with The Witcher III.
Titanfall 2 Dark souls 3 A remastered Shadowman64
None. Kingdom Hearts 3 and black ops 3
None. They all suck.
I wont let Gotham burn!
None, Persona 5 and Splatoon.
Haha, I've only heard of one of those. :D
Everyone go and checkout Hellblades trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0LVLFvwtHJk
I want to play Star Wars Battlefront, it hurts to see it but not being able to play. We haven't had a non app Star Wars game in so long.
I don't see anyone talking about this game. Everyone go watch Hellblade game trailer by ninja theory
I got a free copy of The Witcher 3 cause I built a new pc. Now I just have to wait for it's release.
Battlefront dude!
SWBF is going to suck, so not that.
I'm going with batman
Need batman now
Easily Arkham Knight for me.