What do you think is coming Friday?!?! Sound off!
Edit: First holy balls that's a huge response! Second, who knows if it will be big or small. Either way, I'm completely stoked on HoW!
Edit: I don't think it's just Thunderlord, however, beyond stoked to finally wield that baby!
Edit: sooo the video was rad! So there's multiple sidearms! Meaning sidearms are a new weapon type? Whatcha guys think?!
My prediction: Raid to be released in late June or early July at level 33 dropping level 35 gear. Hard mode comes in early August and will be level 36 (one level over the raid level cap just like Crota). Why else would they set the attack cap at 365 if they're not giving us any level 36 activity? Don't know if they will make season pass holders pay for it or not. We will have to wait and see.