Warning music contains some strong Language.
I always hear people saying sunsingers have a weak super so I've made this montage to showcase how powerful a SunSinger can be.
This is my first ever montage so I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment if you can :)
Hurrah for no shotgun footage in a montage for once! :P
Hope you all have a great day :3
Nice montage showcasing one way to use a Sunsinger (spam fusion grenades), but barely any quad feeds/breaker medals. I believe my montage shows how to use Sunsingers more effectively (as a tank). But, beware of the extensive shotgun clips. Keep in mind, none of the clips would be possible to do with a primary. If you want to watch single or double kill medals with a primary then go watch game plays not montages. With that said, using this play style I was able to get the quad feeds non-stop action team slaying clips I wanted.