Look at the HOWs reveal newsletter line up thing It says may 8 tune in or something like that deej also hinted at it at the end of the steam I think it'll be talking about the story line missions Or that may be the day the patch starts with the pvp double marks and stuff But OP isn't wrong
They should spoil what little story they might have
I didn't say they should I said I think that's what it's going to be There's a difference
And at the end of last weeks live stream too
Oh yeah??? I musta missed it last week
Yeah it was at the very end deej and one of the head art directors I believe it was were talking about it they were being kinda catty about it lol letting a little excitement show then being all hush hush about it I laughed at their method of drawing out excitement in the community
When they showed the hype machine schedule like an hour after the HoW trailer was released. May 8th, stay tuned guardians.
Wondering the same
Read the HoWs reveal newsletter line up thing at the end it says may 8th tune in or something like that OP isn't wrong