I mean seriously now, you run around killing trash mobs while taking down bulletsponges that are called "bosses" in each area all in the pursuit of that post-game loot…
Holy shit PoE is confirmed to be the exact same as a raid just against multiple races in an arena based setting… who would have thought
OK, going to stop being a facetious bastard, read the edits (mainly edit 2) before commenting.
[b]Edit 1:[/b] Ok let me say this now. I'm not being pro-PoE, I haven't played it, but from what has been show it follows the same principles of kill these enemies while completing this small objective. Now this doesn't make it a raid, but it does make it very similar in style. You need to fight your way through hordes of mobs to reach a final boss. Just in PoE it's stylized as almost a sport in a way.
[b]Edit 2:[/b] So people have made good points about the learning curve being an integral part of the game that makes the activity interesting, so I got to think how a learning curve could be added to PoE that would also improve on its replay value while making it a comepletly unique activity in Destiny. This is what I came up with;
- Fireteam of 6 split into two teams of 3
- Each team has to fight through a different section of PoE and in each area one team has to complete an objective that will help the other team until they meet in the final room to face the final boss.
- The order of the rooms change each run and the teams and the objectives change from one run to another
That would require a learning curve to get to know each objective as well as replay value of each run never being the same.
Stop being so negative. Even if it's similar at least it's got some new aspects to it