[b][i][u]MESSAGE HIJACKED...sorry[/u][/i][/b]
What is your favourite drink/beverage?
... And how many will you have this Friday May 8th?
I think I'll partake in a Crown & Cola... Or four.
Poppy tea and a just a bit of cocaine to accentuate the buzz, it's like a speedball-lite, very relaxing.
12 pack of coors and one rum and coke, g2g
Apple juice in a sippy cup
And a shit bucket... You're set!
I drink Miller High Life. I love that shit. My wife won't buy it for me though. She's afraid someone she knows will see her buying it hahah.
The poor mans beer, nice and cheap Keystone ice. 30 racks for $13 can't be beat.
3 smernoff ice's and putting my animated music video production on standby whilst I'm drunk
Smernoffs. Are you a woman?
Don't start with me( I'm a guy clearly by the name alone) I'm not gay, just don't like the bitter fizzy taste of most alcoholic drinks
Drink Ale dude! I don't drink lager anymore because it's too bloaty, a nice IPA is perfect
...you get drunk off 3 Smirnoff Ice? If you're not gay or a woman, the only other option is that you're a nine-year-old boy.
Or I'm a lightweight
Edited by yourOPliberal: 5/7/2015 5:02:16 AMTwo Manhattan's, One Modelo, and a Lynchburg Lemonade for good measure 😀
Edited by Hen4k: 5/7/2015 5:02:13 AM¡Me gusta bebida es jugo de uvas!