originally posted in:Cohors Prima VIII Augusta
So since we're just getting started as a Clan we should definitely try to play matches together as we join and load up Destiny. Also the Trials are gonna start soon, and it definitely seems like not being prepared is going to be frustrating when it comes to that.
So what I'd like to do, is start running 3 man Fireteams in the Crucible. The idea being that we practice working as a team in matches, with a focus on unit cohesion, line of sight maintenance and comprehensive fire coverage.
I've posted my DestinyTracker record at the bottom, and while I'm certainly not in the top ranks of players, I well above the average, and am in the top ranks in so far as how many matches I've played. From that extended experience I have seen a lot of what strategies work, what strategies are common, and what strategies can't help but fail. That said, added input is always helpful, and knowing what to do, and how to do it, and radically different things.
So post your DTR record (destinytracker.com) and send me a message on Xboxlive or on here, and we'll start winning matches.
edit: so somehow this ended up on the main forums? Well here is the post for the clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/119984502/0/0/1
http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/xbox/vV%20iDEVILHAWK Hi just started playing PVP in the last month and looking for some cool people to play with.
Hey, you got my attention. Hit me up for some crucible. GT: F6e6d6e6 VI