It was also the longest stream? You are making biased arguments and pulling facts out of your butt.
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 5/7/2015 4:22:45 PMI'm not watch the stream on you tube it shows 185,000 at start and 164,854 at the end. Edit longest because Broman would scream when ever the developer tried to talk.
Just for you I will be making a generous donation to professor broman. I have never donated or given money to any streamer, but you have motivated me. I have no problem supporting aloud obnoxious positive guy! Any day!
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 5/7/2015 5:50:57 PMLol apparently you have fallen and hit your head. But go ahead. Fuel him ... but be honest and say this isn't cause I like you its because I despise big will. Lol. He is positively annoying that's about it. Hypocritical thug you.
Guys he called me a thug, the whitest guys on earth has been called a thug!! You are ridiculous man. If you can have your opinion why can't I have mine?
Look You can't deny he yelled like literally screamed when the other host were talking. (Etiquette 101). He called the developer by his wrong name the entire show. In the game they told him not to do something he did it and he died. Honestly I respect you like him, I do. I appreciate you protecting him. But he -blam!-ing ruined that stream for thousands of people. That isn't right he has no right to do that. Maybe it's more bungies fault for inviting the dope but cmon he's a grown ass man.
What if bungie liked him? Which they did. You are trying to say you respect my opinion, but you continue to demand that I'm wrong and are arguing with me and putting words in "thousands of people's mouths". I again don't see anything wrong with what he did. They knew when they brought him in they were bringing in his personality and character into the stream, they were obviously okay with that.
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 5/7/2015 6:25:11 PMWhat if? We are resorting to fictional scenarios? What if they were like holy -blam!- what a disaster that was? You don't know. I'm not putting words in to mouths. Read other posts on this forum today. You yourself said you couldn't finish the stream. I'm sorry you loved it. I'm sure you follow Mr Fruit on YouTube also. Maybe that's the intellectual level you operate on. But I hope one day you see what a -blam!-ing disaster he was yesterday. He shat all over the reveal. Making it unbearable for educated adults who genuinely like the game. Go ahead and support him I'll continue to stand on pedestal screaming broman sucked. We allowed to disagree. Have a good one.
See you say you respect my opinion but nothing about this response says that. You are just trying to belittle me for enjoying it. Where is the respect in that? I'm not actually working on hypothetical scenarios as you suggest? What if I had knowledge on this topic... But you wouldn't believe me anyway, you already have no respect for me at all. And by the way, I already stated that I left the stream early for work, gotta read the entirety of my posts man.
I respect you as person . It's your opinion i disrespect. I feel a baboon with tampons in his ears could still know that broman acted unprofessionally and obnoxiously. You say he was happy and full of life. I say he was like the loud obnoxious kid during recess. Regardless his personality influenced the reveal in a negative way for me. I didn't appreciate him Acting like a man child during that reveal. If I could I'd tell him that face to face.
You have successfully lost the Internet for the day, made yourself look dumb because you think I'm a baboon and continue to argue with me, why would you do that, so silly. You can't argue that someone's preference on a performance is wrong, you can't invalidate it, deny it, or diminish it, you can only state your own, so all this calling me out, trying to look better than me, and twist the conversation to be about race and silly things like that instead of what it was meant to be, is all just you being an idiot!
You should really watch the whole stream. I didn't mean you were a baboon. But you made a great point. You had to work so you only saw the beginning. So go watch it all then i guarantee you'll be like. Wow what an obnoxious man child bromigul is.
Lol, even if he is loud and obnoxious which I already agreed with you on, I still like him man! Is that so hard to understand?
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 5/7/2015 7:02:39 PMI'm trying to save you brother. I mean I can tell if Mr Fruit and bro man had a kid it would be you. but I think you are just to naive and young to know better. But You deserve more. I also think you deserve better. Tell broman to his face he's an obnoxious douchebag and leave mr fruit vids behind and mature today with dignity and grace. Become a contributing member if society sooner rather than later
My favorite streamer is datto and goth. I love to watch his stream above all else. It's okay that you for some reason think your form of humor is the only appropriate one though. I think that makes you the naive one. I did already mention to someone else that in arguing for fun though. You have provided some very silly and pointless arguments to entertain me, I have greatly enjoyed it. Also I'm 24, live on my own, and have a full time job. There you go putting more things on me!
Sorry anime reference is all. Look I have stupid sense of humor. But broman was not funny in anyway. Unless you like bald guys as they are making fools out of themselves. All over the forums are Posts about how he sucked. I'm not the only one. He deserves to loose all his subs today.
So to you is the forums the only source of human interaction and information? Because the forums are actually mostly negative people like you, making it a good place for trolls to hang out, and make the angry people even more angry. And again insisting there is no accurate opinion outside of own, as said before, that is naive.
You finally kind admitted it! That everything you are saying is only an opinion and therefore invalid as argument so I'm not sure why you are turning this into so much more! You must love arguing huh? Is that your middle name?
Kind didn't. Your opinion is that he's fun loving positive guy. My fact is regardless he was obnoxious and annoying to a lot of people especially me.
Wait before you said opinion and that it was annoying to you. Now to fit the argument you changed the word to fact. But it's not a fact, it's just your opinion.
Watch the stream first. Before continuing.
I did watch the stream, and have watched many of his other streams. What should I do next senpai?
This is what happens when two trolls meet. I assure you this is my bridge. ;)
Well this homeless troll is bumming off of used space. Just hope I don't get the boot! No worries I usually reside under multiple bridges at once, usually only under ones of people I feel are being negative for no reason. That's my kind of troll!
Edited by BIGwillestylz: 5/7/2015 7:25:49 PMSee ya!!!! I'm glad broman being obnoxious is a good reason to be negative then. (Meaning there's no need for you to troll tho) I may start my own twitch tonight to talk smack On broman. What do you think?
Spell check?