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I'am currently looking for a way to tell me what story mission i've not completed ( tier 2 and above ).
My progression is free to get [url=https://www.bungie.net/platform/Destiny/2/Account/4611686018441311466/Character/2305843009253339356/Activities/?lc=en&fmt=true&lcin=true&mode=0&definitions=true]/Destiny/[type]/Account/[membership]/Character/[characterID]/Activities/[/url]
I've 134 available activities, and 125 are marked as "iscompleted = true". this is a total progress of 93%.
I know for sure this is incorrect. because:
1 - when i go to my [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/Index/2/4611686018441311466/2305843009253339356]legend [/url]is says i've completed 48% .
2 - The following are marked as completed but are [b]NOT complete[/b]
activity hash 2535990080 - Shrine of Oryx level 30
activity hash 929865341 - Chamber of Night level 30
I have not completed any story on level 30 ( there are 19 according to the endpoint ) and all are marked as completed
I asked around and determined that that flag is set inconsistently by the game. Basically, if the game logic needs to remember if you have completed an activity, it will get set. Otherwise, it might not get set. It may also get set for higher levels than you actually completed if that is convenient for the game. We ended up not using this flag for anything on the companion. The 'completed' property you get back from the Activity History and stats APIs should be telling you the real story.