Hey, all. My PSN is Reclaimant-a name that's as gender-neutral as it is simple.
I myself go by the name of Anthony, and my gender is male.
I run three classes, but my main one is Hunter. I play my Titan often, though.
"Hello, Anthony. So, why did you make your Titan a female?"
Well, there's a simple reason for that, and that reason is also the same as the one I have for not putting in my mic when in a party of players I just met.
You see, being a gamer is something most people don't understand. They consider it a loser's practice, and is commonly associated with a gender bias.
Unless you're a guy.
For some reason, it's a huge deal to be a guy gamer. I don't know how many times I've been told by some random chick to "fix her car", or "go watch football or something".
If it's not that, then I'm getting hit on in the most provocative, disgusting ways. I won't even repeat some of the things I hear.
Look. Ladies.
I get that there aren't a lot of guys who play video games. But just because we're playing them doesn't mean:
1: We're fugly.
2: We're single.
3: Want to date all of you.
4: We are willing to send nudes.
Please stop this.
It's sickening how us guy gamers are treated.
We just want to sit down and escape the already stereotypical life that comes with our gender.
Don't you think it's annoying enough getting hit on by random girls [i]in real life as it is?[/i]
The last thing I need is to read the same pickup line in a message on PSN that I just heard at a pizza bar the other day.
Just enjoy the game. Destiny is fun, so why not let guys enjoy it in peace?
[b]EDIT:[/b] And to all those white knight girlies who will blindly agree with me, no, you're not getting laid, either.