If Xur ever sells Gjallarhorn and someone tells me I didn't 'earn' it.... oh boy! That poor soul better prepare themselves.
How many of you are in the same boat?
Every time he sells an exotic nothing happens to mine....the stats don't drop...it doesn't get weaker....so not sure why Xur selling things matters
I don't want him to sell ghorn. Ever. Unless it gets the nerfbat. It's the last exotic I need the cut can sell (the others are ps exclusives or bounty weapons) but it would just make the ghorn only problem on lfg 100 times worse.
Lmao. You don't even have a 32 and you have a 2200 grim score LOL you DON'T deserve one. If you bought it, you absolutely did not earn it.
Meh you have one max character...I have 3. It took me 7 months to get mine from the raids (200+) earned is a stupid term.
Well im sayin xur is selling Thunderlord tomorrow :)
33 days played (roughly 800 hours) and all I want is a Gjallarhorn and a -blam!-ing Fatebringer. Bungie pls
I bought one on week 2, recieved 3 from drops over time. Let him sell it. You "earned" the coins so buy what you want.
Lol 2100 grimmy
I got it from ib and I must say it felt great but there are many people out there who haven't got it and deserve it a lot more than me. I think xur should sell it but at an increased price or sell a bounty for it or something
No I have 7 ghorns
To all the haters... Look at it this way...if your running hard mode crota with randoms...would you not rather they all had gjallarhorn to make life easier?
I earned it by opening a chest. The checkpoint I stole from a forum post. Ya I earned it. People are stupid. It's a -blam!-ing game.
I did a normal raid and got gally and hunger. I totally feel like I earned them on my 5th completion. Doing the nightfall and weeklies on 2 players would of actually been more work and harder.
Im not gonna wanna hear dumbass posts like yours therefore my internet will be suspended for an indefinite period of time.
destiny is a slot machine, you pull the lever and sometimes you get lucky
game is RNG based nothing is earned
I'm in this boat, too and I hate it
If he sells it( which will never happen ), you should stay away from crucible.
Like I mentioned in previous posts. Everybody that purchased Destiny should all have equal enjoyment as the others fortunate to have The Gjallarhorn. I repeat, The Gjallarhorn should be Swiftly and Immediately returned back to Xur's database inventory to be sold to everyone who has 17 Strange Coin to purchase it...PERIOD!!!! And this message is from somebody who has 2 Gjallarhorns and 3 Hunger of Crotas for those of you who think I'm just a bitter troll begging for a crumb!!!!!
I have 2 ... I didn't earn them I got lucky..... I have a friend who has 7 of them... he earned those.
If you got it through rng you didn't earn it. I pulled mine oit of the gorgon chest last week. I got luck o didnt earn shit. Neither did you
It's never truly earned seeing as every reward drop us basically random AF. Example: I'm top of my pvp team and get no reward and my teammate who has a negative kd gets a reward, a good reward too.
Lol it's just a weapon, it's not the main thing you need to get in destiny, it's not game breaking. Quit acting like its the most important gun to have in the game
Its the only gun in the game that puts crota down with 2 trigger pulls
I hear ya. I got mine in a nightfall but if you run 2-3 weekly's on lvl30 you've earned it if you put in hours in a game you earned it. My friend got it at lvl 22 cryptarc did he earn it yup. His reaction was priceless.