This thread is dying. Plus I have at least a few hundred comments just on this post.
Same here. We must keep the family strong.
Agreed sir. I shall take over this thread, I am the alpha. Skullfort is my 2nd in command
No this is A titans thread. What he says goes, but we can rekindle the family without taking the thread over. Taking it over would be treason against our family.
Nah man, hes gone. When hes gone, I'm in charge. If he returns, his power does as well.
*gives thread back*
Thank you
Edited by WIGGLE MY WORM: 5/7/2015 11:12:55 PMYou are n charge of... [spoiler]deez nutz[/spoiler] [spoiler]HA GOTEEM [/spoiler]
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [b]FUC[/b][b]K THIS SHIT[/b]
Ayyyy lmao
I will help