I'm a little bummed I gotta depend on rng to get etheric light. Considering I have about 60+ exotics and don't even wanna count legendary weapons/gear I have to upgrade.
All this non sense about ruining the DLC before it's out, and making it too easy is BS. It's about time and I have enough time invested in this game collecting all the above rewards and to be able to further use them at the new level I have to be burdened with collecting this etheric light along with all the new dlc gear and weapons. Just a little much if you ask me.
Now if xur sold it for say even expensive for like 20 coins, at least I'd know I can get a few a week without depending on this games shitty rng. Or if when it drops in nightfall, iron banner, trials, or prison of elders it comes in qualities of more than one much like strange coins drops do.
I dunno I guess us elites like myself that have reached true end game status and have 3 32s and every exotic and raid legendary x3 in the game just find it annoying to have to reup like this every expansion. At least they made it to where we just apply the etheric light and that's it. But not all of us only run one toon so depending on rng to get that much of it sucks.
Me 2 :(
Even tho its BS, if you did have 60 plus exotics using them for ethiric light not dropping enough for them all kills the whole argument. Exotics will need another exotic shard to ascend. Not ethiric light. They showed it in the stream. Only legends need it
Oh ok that's cool then I got plenty of those.
I call bull on the 60+ exotics
Sorry it's actually 72 total exotics. I have two hunters and a warlock and I have all exotic armor for titan for the day I either decide to delete a hunter and make one or if future dlc allows a 4th toon. Also reason I have four of a few weapons. 4gjorns 4 vex 4icebreaker 3 p&t 2 thunderbird 2 red death 2midas 2 suros 1 hawkmoon 1 nlb 1 thorn 1 pocket infinity 1 super good advice 1 bad juju 1 last word 1 four horseman 1 universal remote 1 monte Carlo 1 truth 1 necro 1 plan C 1 dragon breath Hunters exotic armor(I have two) 7 helmets 4 arms 3 chests 2 boots Warlock armor 4 helms 2 arms 3 chest And my titan gear in vault 4 helms 2 arms 3 chests 1 boots