*Freddy places the container in a sealed vault*
Freddy: I dont take valuable intel with me everywhere I go phantom..you know me..
*freddy turns to you*
Yeah I do. Aren't you over due for a kidnapping?
Freddy: Hey, you guys made no investigation... *freddy pours a glass of wine* Anyways... I gonna be less careless when in new places after that..
And when did you become so soft. Crying after leaving... *takes your Wine glass* Wine? What next? Soap Operas?
*Freddy chuckles* You think Im not sad, the Empire died off? *freddy takes his glass back* Who said I was getting drunk? Im simply tasting the wine, not drinking it..
Uh Huh..... *sits on bench* Well... where is this thing headed? Back to the Exalin Carrier?
*Freddy looks out into the vast lands of space* No...
Where then?
*Freddy looks at you* Wherever the wind takes me...
*looks confused* But.... were in space. You do know that right... Your kinda weirding me out.
*Freddy shakes his head* You get what I mean.. *Freddy presses a button and the container inside the vault disappears*
Meanwhile: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KvJDItC6tE0
[spoiler]This made my day....[/spoiler]