Let's describe our squad that we are going into the prison of elders with. Feel free to exaggerate or make something interesting up. I'll give you guys an example:
Username: No Land Beyond
Gt: Scorch0117
Class: warlock
Probable weapon line up:
Satrienne rapier or fatebringer
Icebreaker/black hammer/swordbreaker
Hater horn/against all odds (crowd control range finder)
Description: overly aggressive player that favors the ability for large amounts of damage in a short amount of time. More explosions the better. If a gun has firefly it is instantly a good gun in my mind.
2nd player
Username: The necrochasm
Gt: Lawnfries
Weapon load out: ???
Easily the most versatile member of the fire team. The innumerable weapons and strategies learned by this warrior is astounding. He can adapt to any situation on the fly, using any class. The lack of strategies in the new mode will make him very important on the battlefield
3rd member
Username: Itzxrealxcracken
Gt: Itzxrealxcracken
Class: Titan
Weapon load out:
Any primary
Black hammer
Description: some say that the gjallahorn is a crutch in this game. If gjallahorn is a crutch to you then cracken uses the gjallahorn to levitate himself off the ground so he doesn't have to touch it. 'Nuff said
Sad self bump