Not sure how common this info is or who knows that this shows up in two places AFAIK you can see glowing tubes as part of our exo customization, when we make our characters we get to choose the color of these and they change with each face you choose, i was told it is also visable in one if not some cut scenes but i dont recall this happening.
Why im asking... i chose the exo as im a huge sci fan and like the similarities between one of the helms (the one without eyes) and the gungir armor was it? from halo... it was the helm without any eyes as well but imo not as cool as the recon or sniper helm without eyes this helm was available in reach but other titles as well. I also chose this helmet expecting not as many players to use it and having the main aesthetic draw for me to it was the tubing which is why this topic matter so much to me.
TLDR: Im wondering if the fact that one of the main things i liked about the exo race, the glowing tubes are completely gone in game after making a character will ever be addressed, has been, or will be in the future.
Opinion or not id like to here what you have to say regarding this.
not quiet certain what you mean, or how it is a bug, are you asking for enable/disable helm to work when not just at the tower? able to make a screen shot to help explain?