Alright so long after I sold the game (Which was a couple of months ago) I've started to see why everyone here hates it. Although that's not what this is about. This is about the "community" the players of Destiny have put together. The people there are just horrible and absolutely toxic in manner. All they do is complain about the game and still play it. Here a challenge! Try to go through the Destiny/Community/Any Forum destiny related and try not to cringe. I couldn't not cringe. It's like everyone there talks like they're 12. It's sad really.
Edit: This comes from a person who really grinded the game day by day until I got sick of it. Sold it immediately when I got sick of it. Oh well, good things come to an end... although that wasn't very good though was it?
Edit 2: Moved this to #Gaming cause y naut
Edit 3: Moved this to #Destiny cause y naut
[url=]#Destiny[/url] [spoiler][/spoiler]