7 is the seventh Column
Did you get the reaper medal?
Edited by bnz west: 5/9/2015 12:35:17 AMAyres your kds are shit and you don't have a reaper? It's so sad how you are scrolling down this page and bothering to look at people's medals
Edited by AYRES: 5/9/2015 9:45:09 AMLol its funny and I wasnt boasting about my kd btw. And you cant say shit if you arent linked.
Reaper is 7 and I got 6
Ha you cant kill 7 at once BS
No it's not at once it's each kill is less than 3 seconds than the last
Edited by AYRES: 5/8/2015 11:52:01 PMXD reaper is 6! Prove me wrong. You think there would be a medal for 5 rapid kills and not 6 so they just skip the medal for 6 rapid kills? Lol, reaper is 6 not 7
Sry I'm a tard its six i just looked it up so yes I must have gotten it.