Any tips for the ruin sentinels fight in the Lost Bastille?? I can kill the first one but then the other two attack me at once and I die
Heh. I fought them once my first time and won... With 3 other Summons. I don't think I can ever take 3 on solo no matter what. Grouping is your best bet. 3 fighting and when one needed heal someone else would agro and tag in
I killed them earlier today. I summoned the pilgrim NPC from the nearby cell. But she died and there was still one with full health and one with a 3rd. Managed to kill both of them which felt awesome. And I killed the flexible sentry last night
You killed sentinel then sentry?0.0
You killed sentinel then sentry?0.0
No I killed sentry yesterday, and sentinel today
Nice. I got trapped at the Bastille for a day due to the fragrant branch needed for ruin door
Yeah I found one in a chest somewhere. I think it was no mans wharf. Also the merchant lady whose either at Cardinals Tower in The Forest or at Majula sells 1 if you haven't bought it yet and need one later
Oh yhea in about to end game now. I only had problem because I spent branch for straid instead to had to go to shaded woods or something for a branch. I used all previous on other areas
I've gotta explore a bit more at the Lost Bastille since it seems to never end, and I want to explore Heides tower but I always die lol
Everything you see is pretty much the explore place in heide. Bastille try the pursuer and ship route for max coverage
If you're determined to beat them solo then patience is your best weapon. After you take that first guy down I just dropped down and tried to bait the other two to attack simultaneously or try to pull one away when the other is in its attack animation. Took me a few tries but it's doable
there are two npc summons that help aggro the sentinels. 1 in the first cell before the boss area and 1 before the hallway.
1. Summon the AI in one of the cells he uses soul spears DMG them up, kill first one then stay on top firing a bow or magic at them until one is left. 2. Summon real people to help 3. By yourself. Kill first one, wait until one gets up to ledge fight it. If forced to the ground they do combo attacks so DODGE and WAIT until you see an opening slash/slash, repeat. Focus on only 1 RuinS if you can. I think I hit them mostly after their spinning attack my first time through. It's been awhile for me lol...