PS4: The_Shubi
Warlock level 14
Hunter level 2
Fairly new to the game. I just run through each mission, do the strikes, and keep going. Not sure if I'm missing content or what. It's pretty lonely out there travelling without pals :p
Hi shubi, add me up always good to hv more ppl to play wth. Psn: soul1982
PS4: Beezerhale32 Warlock: 4 I am kinda new to the game and not really a heavy gamer. I have three kids and don't get to play as often as I used to. I get on once every other night for about an hour or so. I'd love to team up when we can. I'm kinda stuck in Old Russia trying to kill the guy that comes out of the wall. I'm not really too far in to the game. I'm not a weirdo and I'm not mean. :)
hey dude, ive got a wonderful group of friends on here that i regularly play with, and we really need a last person to help us with the raids! But moreover we're always looking for friendly, chatty folks to have a laugh with and shoot up some aliens ; ) we play in a very relaxed, easygoing but nonetheless productive atmosphere, so if this sounds like a hoot to you, message me : )
I am interested in a fun group if you'll have me. See my message to Shubi.
Sounds good dude, i myself am from the UK, so timezone difference might be an issue, one of my close friends in my group is a new gamer too, so we're used to that ^^
Yea, the time zone thing may make it difficult.
Well there's always weekends i guess ^^ Also keep at it, the game does get better as you level up and try raids. Playing with friends is always more fun too. Though raids are pretty time-consuming.
I probably wouldn't mind time consuming if I was not by myself. :) Good luck and have fun!
you too buddy ; )