[b]The Giant is dead, torn to pieces by the assault previously committed. They seemingly call to you...[/b]
[u]Choose One Piece[/u]
•Giant's Hand
•Giant's Foot
•Giant's Ribs
•Giant's Eye
I take the ribs.
[b]As you pick up the ribs, you see visions of medieval times and strange symbols. You hear a voice.[/b] [i]I am the beating heart which has stood since time's beginning. They shall beat upon me? I shall beat upon them. I am endurance. Hear its cry.[/i]
*listens to the ribs*
[b]You see a porcelain mask, and visions of hells beyond, but those are quickly replaced. You wonder if they were even there. The most prominent is a giant beast, surrounding a bronze orb. It's too fuzzy to make out the details.[/b]
[b]The orb flashes a brilliant gold, and the visions cease.[/b]
Of course! We shall fight a beast and plunder its treasures!