Hello! How's it gooooiiiinnnggg!?! *locks armor as door flies*
*glares* Are [b]you[/b] responsible for this??!!!
Edited by Rasputin: 5/9/2015 5:05:23 PMI don't know! *pulls out scavenger* *fires* That should finish it! *Round Explodes* I think that did it.
*taxi stands up, towers over you* You should never defy the taxi *taxi grabs you by the neck, shives your face ok the ground and begins kissing your neck* [spoiler]which ahould be painful because its metal[/spoiler]
Sorry that won't work. I have god mode activated! Also your taxi is kissing a hologram. *Hologram fades away* *Titan falls* *I step in* *Titan punches taxi* *Taxi gets launched into a mountain* Good riddance! * Titan Flies back to space*
*you wake up*
It was rather fun!
*not really* It's still real! *Grabs drink* Yeah. Hey Taxi! How'd that mountain feel!? *Laughs hysterically* *flips bird* *Goes and finds more taxis* *Calls titan* *Fires plasma railgun* *Taxis explode* Awe it's not as much fun! Hey Julie, I'm going to resurrect your taxi only to kill it again!
*taxi holds pillow over your sleeping face*
Only problem is, I was never sleeping! *laughs hysterically* *Throws Gersch Device* *Both you and your taxi are sucked in* Bye!
*you take your last breath while dreaming of you not being able to satisfy your biggest crush*
How do I not know you're dreaming? *Ties you down* *Duct Tapes pillow to your face* *Shoots you in your knee caps* *Teleports away*
*you die unhappy and unfulfilled*
This is going nowhere. Let's join forces.
I thought so. *Blasts you with thundergun* *You hit the sky and die*
*the sky falls up your ass*
*menu opens* Ah! still have God mode on! Won't do anything! *Freezes You* *Teleports you away*
[quote]*menu opens* Ah! still have God mode on![/quote] I suggest you return that godmode you purchased. It looks like they gave you denial instead.
You poor soul
Other ppl with god mode ruin it. Not fun to watch.
I don't actually do that in game just so you know.