Until recently I almost always played solo, but in the last month or two I play about 70% of the time in a team
Ok, yea I'd say 99% of my games are solo, even now. I have only been on teams in IB made through LFG, which are usually bad teams lol. How did you find your clan?
I played against a member and rekt him lol after that he invited me to the clan
O cool, guess I'm gonna go target people that have clan names and try to beat them into an invite lol. I honestly would like good people to consistently play with but I'd feel a clan would be too demanding, like this is the time we play so be on! Does your clan feel like that or do u just play with whoever is on?
We just play with whoever is on man, pretty chilled tbh
Does your clan have a website?
Na, just search cya m8 on this site
Hey I msg'd the leader. Also, do you use an editing tool for your montages? I have a bunch of clips I'm thinking of making one.
I just use windows movie maker haha (hence why the editing is so subpar)
How do you transfer clips to windows?
go on to xboxclips.com and then search your gamertag and you can download you vidoes from there.
Ok I will. Thx