Anyone cane spam a post to a high number... it is a greater achievement to make that number without spam
Yeah, but the process is faster
Faster is almost never any better but instead it is a disgrace upon those that deem it a necessity to have quantity over quality
You don't need to turn this into a pissing contest either.
Yet this method is effective.
The dojo has gotten this far it does not need canned meat to make it to 50k
This isn't the way
Ninja said anyway we can or want
And you're not the leader or founder of the Dojo either. I'm technically equal to you.
You have no right to tell me what I can and can't do
I'm telling you this isn't the way. You're acting like the 12 year olds who boost on CoD and brag about their prestige.
And you're acting like the power hungry whore you are.
By wanting to preserve the Dojos pride? Sure bud.
Spamming would be fine then, in that wording.