This week was fine, but i had titan friends with ward of dawn so it was pretty easy. Personally, I prefer doing Undying Mind or Devils Lair, those are more fun. And for some reason, Omnigul has been my main Strike on Vanguard Playlist this week...she got some sort of grudge against me :/ But I will [b]never[/b] be doing Cerberes Vae III on Nightfall [i]ever.[/i] it's too hard for me even as a herioc and Vanguard Roc Strike.
So, what are you hoping for next week? :)
*EDIT* Like this post if you think next week's will be enjoyable :3
I've also been hearing rumors next week is omnigul, wasn't that last week (before archon preist)? That doesn't seem right...
The one with the flayers.