Huh! Well! This is gunna...Be...FUN! so...his sword does my amount of damage...multiplied by ten? Wait...hehehe.... alright! You set YA big ass Overated Shadow link?
*growls and rushes forward at blinding speed, slashing at you*
*evades to the side* Ha! TAKE! THIS! *pokes you. Very lightly* Lol! Times that by ten!
Edited by Chinkronomicon: 5/10/2015 1:34:14 AM"Pants? I'm gonna need you to hold him for a little." *takes stance to draw blade as blue embers draw themselves around me* [b][i]Broken Phoenix has joined your party![/i][/b]
*gets back up* Ya! Sure thing bud!
*punches you in the face, very hard and sending you flying* **idiot, I choose when to absorb damage and amplify it**
*in the air* Huh...guess that didn't go as planned... *lands. Quickly recovers* Well...hmmm... I guess...ok? *runs at you and pokes you again* That's two!
*punches you again* **man, the brains on this one**
[spoiler]3 attacks and Absorption= no more shadow...that's what your bio says.[/spoiler] *is in the air* FLAWLESS!!!!! *hookblades to the ground and is ready*
*uses darkness rush, teleporting multiple times and slashes/punches you multiple times* [spoiler]i need to be In this form in order to be cleansed[/spoiler]
*parrys and kicks you in the shin knocking you back* *looks at cuts. Mist flows into them* HURRY UP COBALT! *gets into combat stance*
*fires a darkness blast at you*
[i]"Talim Impyerno: Severance."[/i] *I twist past the darkness blast and draw my katana, the blade glowing a brilliant cobalt blue* [i]"Disconnect and Divide, Razorflame.[/i] *taking a jar of oil from my coat, I throw the glass container at you, breaking it on your armour and releasing the oil* "I told you already... I am willing to endure suffering to prove my point." *running up and turning my back to you, I drive Razorflame through my stomach upwards and straight into your chest, blue fire wings bursting from my back and igniting the oil, holding both of us in place and creating a sea of blue fire on us, ensuring that you can't ice clone* "Be... Cleansed."
*screams* **and...what point....would that be...**
"That even so called 'Gods' have a breaking point... For what is a God without its believers?" *falls to ground, the flames dying out but most of my coat scorched*
*collapses on the ground, heavily breathing*
"Now... Please tell me... Is that you in there?"
*struggles* *darkness spikes from my left side* *screams in pain*
Ohhhhh shiiiiit!!! *rolls under it* *fires arrows at you with Valkrie. Hitting you every time*
*armor absorbs the damage* *my sword glows* *teleports behind you and slashes your back, dealing 10x the amount of damage you just delt to me and making you bleed*
Ah! Sheesh! Well! Have fun with cobalt...