originally posted in:Mythic Members
I've tried to write this post twice now and I just end up rambling. Maybe third time's the charm. In the spoiler I sum up my recent time playing two similar RPGs, Dragon Age Inquisition and KoTOR. If you want to just get to the point feel free to skip it.
[spoiler]I put about 15 hours into Dragon Age Inquisition a while ago, and at that point I just gave up. I had just gotten to the castle (Skyhold?) and so far thought this of the game: The environments are huge and the world is very rich, and exploring is awesome. But level progression is slow, quests are unrewarding, gameplay was extremely average, and the plot had barely progressed. In about the same amount of time put into KoTOR, I had all my characters set up in a team I liked, and it felt like I was able to build each of them just the way I wanted, and they were still progressing at a fairly steady rate, and the story had progressed to the point where I could see the endgame and feel myself getting closer. The gameplay was also much better (pick which attack/power suits your character and the situation best vs. spam powers and wait for them to recharge), quests were , although fewer in number, more original and rewarding, and the world was big enough and extremely interesting (although to be fair, I'm biased because I love star wars).
Basically Dragon Age gave me a million things to do and no reason to do it. KoTOR gave me enough stuff to fill nearly 30 hours, and every second felt worth it. And that's the problem with games today. I could go into detail on how various games compare but I dont want this post to turn into a novel, so I'll just state the obvious; Today's games focus on quantity over quality. And there's a reason for that. There have already been incredible RPGs like KoTOR or Morrowind which let you explore and influence new amazing worlds. New hardware can't make the game 'better' than those classics. But it can make the world bigger.
So new games are big. That's cool. But when was the last time you played a game that was actually great, and not just an expanded version of a previous great game? Because, to me, bigger doesn't mean better. Inquisition isn't better than KoTOR just because it had more meaningless fetch quests. Destiny isn't better than Halo CE because it let's me repeat the same events in multiple locations endlessly. I'd much rather spend 20-30 hours exploring all of a game and really enjoying it than having 100+ hours of recycled missions and travel time between points A and B. I'd prefer to have an intriguing story told over 10 missions than play 5 missions of nothing before the plot actually kicks in.
Two examples to me are Dark Souls and Borderlands. They were both pretty far from original (Action RPG and FPSRPG had been done before) but they had their own features that made them great. But, already those games are a number of years old. Already we have Dark souls 2 which is really Demon Souls XXL. Borderlands 2 is just "infinite guns but this time theres a story." E3 is just going to be Halo 5 and Battlefront 3 and really high numbers of Zelda and Metal Gear and Final Fantasy and CoD. They'll all be great games. We know that because they were great games all those years ago. Now they're shinier and bigger.
Is the new Zelda going to show us something actually new, Like Majora's Mask, or just use the Ocarina of Time template plus a gimmick or two? Will the new Star Fox change the series into something new like Assault did, or will it just continue to be more of the same? Will Halo 5 do anything, or just play it safe?
Will games get any better, or will they just keep getting larger?
Honestly, for now, the game im paying attention to is Splatoon. I really don't even think it looks that good. But it looks different. So there's a hope.
Just cause 3 Arkham knight
I have high hopes for no mans sky.
Unknown to the op..just a few weeks later arguably one of the greatest rpg's in gaming was released
No Mans Sky... HhUsuhhhekskakk
Honestly I think fallout 4 will be a great game. I haven't played witcher 3 but some say that's up there as a great game too
Witcher 3. Also, Fallout 4 is on the way.
Fallout 4 will change the world as we know it
The video is a bit dated and was mean't to be a parody but it does touch on a few key points. Game are no longer based on game play progression, as in you progress through the "story" and increasingly more difficult game play mechanics to reach it's conclusion. Today games are based on player investment, where you continue playing to invest more into your character and you eventually arrive at the so called "end" but in reality it's endless. The difference is that games are no longer designed to explore different game play mechanics, they're made to play barbie. Just my 2 cents
As of now the only company I trust that will make master pieces is Bethesda.
No Mans Sky looks quite promising.
Dark souls III
Lmao let's take Look back at the 90's the demographic for gaming industry was mostly kids and young teens. What about today the variety is sooo much you got kids,teens, adults, even elderly. Then you got the hardcore lore nerds and your casuals you got elitist and just older folk who are just filled with nostalgia and can't get past anything without crying. Simple answers the group is extremely diverse in today's world in which more people to please and games as of late have all about co op and multiplayer (I guess that's what sells I'd prefer a epic campaign myself) there will be amazing games still just not as often and we won't appreciate it. Example---*morrowind comes out* Morrowind sucks dagger fall was way better, *oblivion comes out* it sucks morrowind was way better *skyrim comes out* it sucks oblivion was the best.......see my point?
Nope. There will only be shit games from now on. This dude serious?
I have high hopes for mgs.
Edited by Kody: 6/20/2015 3:20:01 PMI'm play through KOTOR atm on iPad and everything you said has been going through my head.
Edited by Halo53: 5/14/2015 2:25:13 AMI agree. I've lamented on this from time to time, touched on it in my thread a little. I've been having a hard time deciding on why games today aren't as great as they were. Is it because the quality of games has declined? Is it because I'm "out growing" games to an extent? I think the correct answer is "both." I played Dragon Age Inquisition and had similar feelings to you. It's hard to compare Inquisition to Kotor, only because it's hard to compare [i]any[/i] game to kotor, but in comparing Inquisition to earlier Dragon Ages, I felt it was lacking something. I still enjoyed Inquisition, and there was a lot to like in that game, and at times the length was a strength, but I didn't feel as hooked as I was in say Dragon Age Origins. The way I personally play games, story and setting are extremely important. That's what hooks me into games and keeps me invested. Games as a whole are more and more focusing on multiplayer. Titanfall didn't have a campaign, Destiny didn't have a traditional campaign, Battlefront 3 will not have a campaign. This trend is definitely part of what's toned down my enthusiasm for games. I'm still waiting for that "great" xbox one game. The game I've probably played the most is Master Chief Collection, which is just pre-xbox one games that look prettier. At this point, I'm holding out hope for Metal Gear V. The 2 hour prequel that was Ground Zeroes was a lot of fun gameplay wise. I'm already fully invested in the MGS universe and the story of Big Boss intrigues me. Throw in a traditional MGS storyline and that's a recipe for something with the potential to be great. Or it would be, if they still had David Hayter's voice for Snake. PS Been wanting a proper Bioware Kotor 3 since 'nam
It's funny how you can tell the mythic members from the regular folk of #gaming just by scrolling down.
That's a meaty post, thank you for writing it. Far too little of that on B.net (or really the entire internet) these days. I used to read posts like this all the time on B.net in various forums but there are precious few of them anymore. You've been here for a long time as well, has your experience been the same? The size phenomenon you are describing is real. Games can definitely be bigger and many have taken advantage of that. Other major franchises have not. I recently played Advanced Warfare's campaign and was not surprised to discover that the missions were of barely any larger scope than the original Call of Duty, and I believe the campaign itself was not longer. Shooters seem to have experienced the opposite trend: Halo 1 or Half Life 2 had longer campaigns than tons of shooters today. But what you're saying for RPGs is true, they're bigger. With that said, I don't think it follows that there will be no more "great games." And I'd hold that [i]all else being equal[/i], bigger is better. To give a relevant example and fulfill my daily Witcher-mentioning quota, the Witcher 3 is going to be gargantuan. Much bigger than the prior two installments. I loved the Witcher 2 (released in 2011, not exactly ancient), and it was precisely the sort of tight-30 hours you're praising KOTOR for, but I am excited for the opportunity to see hundreds of hours in a massive open world. If the Witcher 3 can perform this feat without compromising the engaging setting, brilliant story, fantastic writing, and fun gameplay of the Witcher 2 (and I'm very sanguine about all of that), then the Witcher 3 will be a much better game than its predecessor. We'll have a very notable addition to our sampling on the quantity vs. quality debate in about ten days. Bottom line: the law of diminishing returns is obviously present with vidya game size. And it is easier to go big than to go great, but it has always been easier to go [i]anything[/i] other than great. I believe great games will keep coming, but as ever, they will be the exception. Again thank you for the post, made me think about a lot of things.
The witcher 3
I doubt it. The game industry is kind of a mess right now..
No mans sky
Bloodborne Mad max Arkham Knight? No man's sky
Hopefully Arkham Knight will be an awesome end to the Batman games. Besides that, i'm hopeful for the Behemoths ( Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, BattleBlock theatre) new game, called "game 4." It's a Turn Based Strategy game with the Behemoths humour and twists. They've never disappointed me before, so i'm excited. There's also talk of a sequel to Garden Warfare, which was an amazing game IMO, so i'm excited for that. PopCap is another company I have a lot of faith in. By yhe end of this year I hope i'll have at least one worthwhile game in my collection. If not, then if might only get worse from there.
No such thing as battlefront 3