originally posted in:Famous 8
Welcome to Vault Of Glass Normal Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future.
Post Your
~ Level/Light
~ Type
~ Weapons
~ Check Point Needed
~ Gamer Tag
{Example ~ Gamer Tag, Lvl 40/302 Hunter, Max Gally, Atheon Cp VOG Normal}
Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :)
P.s. I'm always running raids so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out!
~ Lvl 40 Hunter
~ Lvl 40 Warlock
~ Lvl 40 Titan
I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance!
Yes we help with all raids!
~ Famous 8
~ Easy way to find us.
Wow, thank you so much for 9k posts!! Bring on more posts!!
Need 4 gatewatcher checkpoint message me on xbox GT Ihavepesos
We need 3 for fresh run on vog gt is the same as above
Need fresh run level 26 on my 2nd invite gt above
Need 4 for fresh start
Level 31 warlock looking to do Vog, still learning raids.
Looking for fresh. Gt is same as above, Max gally and vision of confluence.
Need 4 lv 30+ for templar cp message mex99bravo for invite
Edited by LoOnii ToOn: 5/19/2015 12:15:06 AMHosting FRESH run Message for invite :) any level will be fine even if you are carrying a friend :)
32 wrlk looking for fresh or gorg cp. Gt same.
32 warlock looking for fresh run. Gt coralmagician
Need 4 lv 30+ for templar cp message mex99bravo for invite
We need one person to run sword message sgt p j winkels
Need 3 more for VoG normal. We already have 3, 2 of which are lvl 32. We are helping a buddy out so if you guys want to be carried through then feel free to message me. Gt: Mogar Ls Ready
Need two more people for atheon message sgt p j winkels
Lvl 31 and 32 looking to do any cp before gorgon inv dginos3
Need three for atheon cp message NATTY 619 for invite
At atheon need two more experienced players msg sgt p j winkels
At atheon need one more
Oracle/Templar cp. Need two, message UndeadMinotaur8
Vog normal 5 guardians at atheon checkpoint
Need 5 for a fresh run on normal VOG. GT is same as above, msg me online for an invite.
30 warlock Invite me gt same as above
Looking for 3 people, doing normal VOG and carrying a new player through, message 'fallen malphur' for an invite - xbox one
Edited by Mercenary881011: 5/18/2015 4:24:30 PMVog normal fresh run need 2... msg me on the xb1 for inv
Need 4 for fresh
Lvl 28 Titan looking for fresh. barbERIC7