originally posted in:Famous 8
Welcome to Vault Of Glass Hard Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future.
Post Your
~ Level/Light
~ Type
~ Weapons
~ Check Point Needed
~ Gamer Tag
{Example ~ Gamer Tag, Lvl 40/302 Hunter, Max Gally, Atheon Cp VOG Hard}
Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :)
P.s. I'm always running raids so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out!
~ Lvl 40 Hunter
~ Lvl 40 Warlock
~ Lvl 40 Titan
I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance!
Yes we help with all raids!
~ Famous 8
~ Easy way to find us.
Wow, thank you so much for 47k posts!! Bring on more posts!!
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp GT same a above
We need 1 more for fresh hard vog.
Need 5 for fresh msg ThatPick6Tho
Lv 34 Hunter with ghally looking for 5 to do vog hard. Msg Kross castaway for invite
Looking to do fresh. Invite TonyGazel.
Edited by TheSamuraiGuy69: 8/20/2015 8:01:41 PMVog on normal at gatekeeper need 3 ppl gt same as above on Xbox one
Need 2 for atheon! Gt Ossified11
Looking for 5 to do vog on hard fresh. Gt: gameaddict320
Need 5 for VOG HARD. Message me for invite. At Atheon. Gt as above.
Need 4 for vog hard fresh msg me for invite
Hey guys, read on if interested in being in a YouTube video I had this idea to kill atheon, ONLY using Nechrocasm. Now this sounds weird but why not challenge yourself? I personally do not have atheon hard cp, but I'll credit anybody willing to help create this video. [b]Criteria to join:[/b] - Have maxed Nechrocasm - 30+ - mic - experienced with relic... Just in case - be coordinated If you wish to be a part of this message me at my GT: Jessieth Have a Hard Atheon CP if all possible and I will put the gametags of those who participated in the description of my video! Thanks for your time and I hope you take interest of this
Need 4 for vog Any class At least lvl 30 Message me on online
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp hard vog
Hey guys, read on if interested in being in a YouTube I had this idea to kill atheon, ONLY using Nechrocasm. Now this sounds weird but why not challenge yourself? I personally do not have atheon hard cp, but I'll credit anybody willing to help create this video. [b]Criteria to join:[/b] - Have maxed Nechrocasm - 30+ - mic - experienced with relic... Just in case - be coordinated If you wish to be a part of this message me at my GT: Jessieth Have a Hard Atheon CP if all possible and I will put the gametags of those who participated in the description of my video! Thanks for your time and I hope you take interest of this
Flame2k Level 34 Titan Need 2 more experienced Level 34 for Oracle CP If I dont invite you that means that youre not that experienced. I dont want to waste hours on a raid!
Need 2 for Templar cp hard vog
Looking for team I'm lvl 34 Striker experienced
Need 1 for oracles hard
Need one at atheon
Need 3, at athon!!! Send msg!!
Need 5 invite me to your party and game and I'll invite others after I join the first party I'm 34 res sun singer with galley max black hammer max and vision max gt above
Need 1 for gatekeeper
Lvl 34 titan need fresh run invite me gt: Extinct Cuz
Fresh vog hard, need 4, don't be shit, msg gt above for inv
Level 34 titan needs team for fresh run send invite to gt:saltyfawn913269
Lvl 34 titan need fresh run invite me gt: Extinct Cuz