A note is tacked to the nearest wall
[i]It is over. All of our efforts have been broken apart. I no longer wish to lead. I am not worthy of leading this many people... Please, go elsewhere.[/i]
There is a piece of the note that is folded up
[spoiler][i]for now.[/i][/spoiler]
Near the note, there is a plaque placed on to the only remaining tree. It reads:
[spoiler][b]Here once stood a mighty place, a place to fight, a place to reconcile with friends and foes alike, a place to be free, to let creativity flow and fill the hallways with inventions, ideas, and the will to fight, the will to fight for what we thought was right. Fallen by many, it stood up time and time again, only to fall unto itself. "What stands must fall", and so it did, and it fell leaving a mark on the people who came, the people who we lost, and the people who we helped, supported most in their times of need. We left a mark, and it was a damn good one at that. Many have fallen, many have been lost, but we still moved forward until it came too much. But until the very end, we did what we did best: we fought. Our wills clashed until the end, and that is all I could ever ask for. Here once stood the mighty Dojo, the Dojo that was and always will be, my home.
[I]And always remember, even if we don't meet again, you will all be, in my heart. -Alonfé, The Archsage[/I][/b][/spoiler]
Wait does this mean we gotta re audition cuz thats gonna suck
*Lord Windrow waits for Ninja to give him and the elven Singers instructions*
*flies down in a heli* You lads need any assistance here?
Edited by MeGa Mysterious: 5/10/2015 5:01:18 AMI've managed to gather most of our gear... Come to me to retrieve it *puts up shop stall and has a bunch of bags marked with everyone's names*
*Shark sits sharpening usilis*
Wha? I have to fight you again? But I recall already fighting you. And I won. And we had barbeque. I... I think... [spoiler]You tried to stuff me in a paper shredder... '^'[/spoiler]
*begins building a burger shack*
*begins using shadow-flame tendrils to build a new arcane wing for the [i]new dojo[/i]*
Hmmmmm... Should I open the shop back up?
*I awake in a pile of broken tables, hungover* .... Goddammit.
*Soon the large rift closes as the last of the elves walks out. Soon, the elves now have made a perimeter around the entire camp, ready to defend it*
*As more elves step out of the portal, elven mages begin to sing trees into buildings*
Emily is seen staving a tree* ugh I hate this!
I need my pond without it I can't sleep or breath or yeah you get the point
Ginger arrives at the camp "This place is comfy. I could get used to this."
*zane walks through the camp. He decides to take a walk outside. He walks through a field and feels a presence*
*approaches the place*
*A large rift opens, and rank upon rank of elves march towards the camp*
*Gets 2x4 planks* Time to work *begins to construct housing area*
My brethren get a bunch of wood and chairs and throw it on our island. "Yaaaaay."
BrimMcRoy stands on a platform on the center of the camp. I walk with a noticeable limp and my torso is crisscrossed in scars. "This is by far the most pathetic group I've ever set my eyes on. The dojo is destroyed and now you are in a state of discord the likes of which I've never seen. You've been given a chance unlike any others to build a new and you squander it like children. you've destroyed dragons battled in alternate time streams revived your friends from the dead and you can't even replace a simple building... I am ashamed" Walks of and begins construction of the structures that will be the new dojo.
Wait what happened
*walks into the camp* "Does this mean I can have a job now?"
[spoiler]Did we legit have too many posts?[/spoiler]
*sharpens blade* *makes more arrows* *practices powers*
*Walks into camp* So who was it this time?